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I really have to read "Pleasures"!!! I think your comments and your ability to bring that book (written in 1923) to our present world is very insightful and so true!! I'm usually part of the 90% too, but I think this reading really resonates with me (at least in relation to my current experience):

For the past 6 months, I needed to turn off my phone and focus on my future since I had to start over. Therefore, I spent my days studying. Regarding my leisure time (when I wasn't hanging out with my friends), I usually tried to learn something new: either a new skill or maybe just walking in nature and appreciating each and every sound without headphones.

Now that I'm back to social media, I think it was worth the experience: you appreciate and really understand who are your true friends (the ones that will always be there even if you need to turn off Instagram and WhatsApp for 6 months and you have to communicate via email for a while), you appreciate the advances we have in our lives, e.g. you know how lucky we are for having Apps that can help us with EVERYthing (plan a trip, schedule a doc appointment or even manage your parking ticket)...

I know that I will be caught up in the daily distractions many times and that this will have an impact on how I spend my leisure time... But I completely agree with your comments and I am impressed with your mindset since I had to live it to realize it.

Thank you so much, Timmy!!!

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